1. What privilege should a user be given to log on to the Oracle Server? Is this a system or an object privilege? The CREATE SESSION system privilege 2. What privilege should a user be given to create tables? The CREATE TABLE privilege 3. If you create a table, who can pass along privileges to other users on your table? You can, or anyone you have given those privileges to by using the WITH GRANT OPTION. 4. You are the DBA. You are creating many users who require the same system privileges. What should you use to make your job easier? Create a role containing the system privileges and grant the role to the users 5. What command do you use to change your password? The ALTER USER statement 6. Grant another user access to your DEPARTMENTS table. Have the user grant you query access to his or her DEPARTMENTS table. Team 2 executes the GRANT statement. GRANT select ON departments TO ; Team 1 executes the GRANT statement. GRANT select ON departments TO ; WHERE user1 is the name of team 1 and user2 is the name of team 2. 7. Query all the rows in your DEPARTMENTS table. SELECT * FROM departments; 8. Add a new row to your DEPARTMENTS table. Team 1 should add Education as department number 500. Team 2 should add Human Resources department number 510. Query the other team’s table. Team 1 executes this INSERT statement. INSERT INTO departments(department_id, department_name) VALUES (500, ’Education’); COMMIT; Team 2 executes this INSERT statement. INSERT INTO departments(department_id, department_name) VALUES (510, ’Administration’); COMMIT; 9. Create a synonym for the other team’s DEPARTMENTS table. Team 1 creates a synonym named team2. CREATE SYNONYM team2 FOR .DEPARTMENTS; Team 2 creates a synonym named team1. CREATE SYNONYM team1 FOR . DEPARTMENTS; 10. Query all the rows in the other team’s DEPARTMENTS table by using your synonym. Team 1 executes this SELECT statement. SELECT * FROM team2; Team 2 executes this SELECT statement. SELECT * FROM team1; 11. Query the USER_TABLES data dictionary to see information about the tables that you own. SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; 12. Query the ALL_TABLES data dictionary view to see information about all the tables that you can access. Exclude tables that you own. SELECT table_name, owner FROM all_tables WHERE owner <> ; 13. Revoke the SELECT privilege from the other team. Team 1 revokes the privilege. REVOKE select ON departments FROM user2; Team 2 revokes the privilege. REVOKE select ON departments FROM user1; 14. Remove the row you inserted into the DEPARTMENTS table in step 8 and save the changes. Team 1 executes this INSERT statement. DELETE FROM departments WHERE department_id = 500; COMMIT; Team 2 executes this INSERT statement. DELETE FROM departments WHERE department_id = 510; COMMIT;